National Nutrition Month!

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Get to Know Us and Join the Celebration!

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? While we believe that every month should be celebrated in good health, this month in particular let us help elevate your health education to a new level! Our team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists at Elizabeth Baron Cole & Associates are among the top qualified experts who provide reputable advice and practical methods to improve our individual and collective medical, health, dietary and fitness status. Learn more about our individual dietitians by clicking here!

For over thirty years, our practice has served our Westside and Santa Monica community for the better, and since 1930, our parent organization, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, has promoted well-being to the population at large. Every March, dietitians all around the country celebrate the benefits of proper nutrition. This month, we have put together a few of our favorite ideas to help influence your health for the better. Remember, small changes all add up to create a lasting effect! Follow along below for our simple suggestions to guide you on the path of well-being.


The following tips scratch the surface of the vast depth and breadth of knowledge we provide our patients on a regular basis:

1)    Make Healthy Substitutions Whenever Possible

  • Unsweetened sparkling water or decaf, unsweetened iced tea, instead of soda
  • Vegetables, legumes or whole grains instead of processed, white starchy foods
  • (make ½ of your plate veggies)
  • Use olive oil or avocado puree in place of butter
  • Low-fat plain Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise
  • Nuts (in moderation) instead of croutons in a salad

2)    Eat Natural Foods Colorful Selections

  • Minimize processed foods, sweets, candies, beverages
  • Opt for whole foods ex) whole grains, plain Greek yogurt, hummus, nuts and seeds, and legumes

3)    Make Your Plate Colorful

  • Colorful foods optimize nutrient density and disease prevention
  • Incorporate a large amount of colorful vegetables (and a modest amount of fruit) to make your plate attractive and to ensure consumption of a wide spectrum of nutrients

4)    Add Variety to Your Protein Choices

  • Every protein source has its benefits and pitfalls.  Incorporate different forms of protein to decrease taste bud boredom and increase the benefits of each individual source
  • To add fiber, B-vitamins, and iron: choose legumes
  • To add heart healthy oils: choose fatty fish
  • To add iron and B-vitamins: choose lean poultry and grass-fed red meats
  • To add calcium, Vitamin D, B12, and phosphorus: choose low fat dairy
  • To add lecithin, Vitamin E, and choline: choose eggs

5)    Create a Positive, Healthy, Eating Environment

  • Ensure your meals are taken in a relaxed, pressure free environment.
  • Take time to slowly savor and chew each bite, allowing your body to sufficiently digest your food and reflect fullness cues.
  • Avoid eating in from of the television or computer, as this may lead to mindless eating and overconsumption

6)    Start Your Meals with an Advantage

  • Add a salad, veggies, or veggie-based soup, and 8 oz. of water before your entrée. This ensures low-calorie, healthy options will be eaten first and will fill you up, allowing for easier weight control.

Try to focus on just one of these tips per week, incorporating multiple ideas as the weeks go on.